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Don’t let cracks and holes compromise the safety and aesthetics of your asphalt surfaces. Explore our range of high-quality products designed to effectively restore, repair and protect your asphalt driveway or carpark, ensuring a smooth and durable finish.

Pothole Repair

Cold Asphalt is fantastic for repairing potholes in asphalt driveways, carparks or roads. Recommended for holes from 25mm and above. Coldmix Pothole Repair is a premium cold asphalt that is a permanent pothole repair kit in a bag.

Asphalt Crack Repair

Promix Cracksealer is available in 1 litre and 20 litres units. It has been designed to seal cracks and joints and protect asphalt pavements against water getting under the pavement, destabilising the base course which ultimately causes potholes and road failure. It is so easy to use, anyone can do it.

Asphalt Driveway Seal

Promix Driveway Seal is a premium asphalt sealer that brings your asphalt driveway or carpark back to life and keeps the asphalt looking good while extending its life. With regular applications, you will double the life of your asphalt.

Promix Asphalt Super Seal

SuperSeal is the Gold Standard for Global Asphalt Protection. This single-package bitumen emulsion marvel features a unique blend of polymers and mineral fillers to seal and restore asphalt surfaces seamlessly.

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